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Appetite for Murder:
A Mystery Lover's Cookbook
by Kathy Borich

A tantalizing slant on cooking and crime. Relive your favorite classic detective stories and then whip up the food that caught the culprit.

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An Illustrated Introduction to Classical Horsemanship: Concepts and Skills from A to Z
by Gary Borich

A comprehensive resource in a succinct alphabetical format that brings the beginning rider through every aspect of learning to train and ride for show and trail.

Rainy Day Rentals
Classic & Crime

Often been surprised by a movie after what a film critic said about it? Ever felt cheated out of big bucks on the recommendations of a punk 24-year-old? Or really loved the ones they panned? Well, you no longer need to feel out of step with the current movie review band. Different Drummer is for you. Read more about our take on the film world. And get ready to relive your favorite movies with the recipes that follow each review.

Entries in Credits (106)


Waitress: Chocolate Strawberry Pie Recipe

Do not miss this delightfully outrageous tale of a small town waitress who copes with her soap opera life by creating pies that mirror her daily traumas. And the cast of assorted eccentrics is as unpredictable and whimsically delicious as the ingredients that overflow from the pastry.

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The Woman in Gold: Vienna Schnitzel Recipe

Don’t listen to the critics on this one, the ones who try to dismiss Woman in Gold as a somewhat boring lesson in art history. Perhaps the story of an elderly Jewish woman trying to retrieve a famous painting stolen by the Nazis isn’t edgy enough for them. Or maybe they just resent having to take time away from watching YouTube cat videos.


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Snow White and the Huntsman: English Apple Traybake

Forget Disney's Snow White waving her handkerchief as Dopey, Grumpy and the rest of those assorted dwarfs scoot out the cottage door to strains of "Off to Work We Go." This summer reboot of the fairy tale classic is imbued with the same sense of dark urgency as Christian Bale's Batman Begins. And both reboots blow away their saccharine or campy predecessors.

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Iron Will: Fruitcake Hater's Fruitcake Recipe

Follow young Will Stoneman on the ride of his life as he battles treacherous ice, scheming rivals, and complete exhaustion on this 522-mile dog sled race from Winnipeg to St. Paul.

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Unstoppable: Pennsylvania Dutch Shoo-Fly Pie

This train may be unstoppable, but it is grounded in an earthy reality that invokes an earlier era. Where the clang of heavy metal replaces the ping of our flimsy electronic toys. Rather than images sprinting through space from one virtual reality to another, we have iron cars lumbering along tracks anchored to the soil.

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