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Classic & Crime

Often been surprised by a movie after what a film critic said about it? Ever felt cheated out of big bucks on the recommendations of a punk 24-year-old? Or really loved the ones they panned? Well, you no longer need to feel out of step with the current movie review band. Different Drummer is for you. Read more about our take on the film world. And get ready to relive your favorite movies with the recipes that follow each review.


Act of Valor: Gallo Pinto (Costa Rican Rice and Beans)

Using real Navy SEALS, this low budget 2012 film took in twice its production costs on opening weekend alone. Probably because it has the courage to identify America’s real enemies, not Hollywood’s “reel” ones.

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Contagion: Georgia Peach Cocktail Recipe

This disaster film works so well because it avoids the usual pitfalls of that genre -- namely hysterical fear mongering, sentimental claptrap, and political gamesmanship.

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Snow White and the Huntsman: English Apple Traybake

Forget Disney's Snow White waving her handkerchief as Dopey, Grumpy and the rest of those assorted dwarfs scoot out the cottage door to strains of "Off to Work We Go." This summer reboot of the fairy tale classic is imbued with the same sense of dark urgency as Christian Bale's Batman Begins. And both reboots blow away their saccharine or campy predecessors.

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In Good Company: Baked Ziti-A La Italian

Scarlett Johansson utters the film's critical death knell when her character says, “I’m cursed with an utterly functional family.” Not surprising that most critics could barely mete out two stars. I say it's unexpectedly fresh and definitely worth watching.

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Lady Bird: Sacramento Foil-Wrapped Chicken Recipe

I would have liked it a lot better if it weren’t for the excessive praise. Lady Bird is a decent enough coming of age film in its own way. Its characters seem real but not particularly likeable, and their struggles typical, but certainly not inspiring.

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